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their nest in the butternut back of the 
house, has decided to build her nest under 
the Portico roof, pretty close to the door, the 
jays are building in the little pine tree, 
+ the golden robin is so cunning, twice 
he has been cling [[Strikethrough]] g [[/Strikethrough]] ing to the middle of a 
window looking in on me, not a bit 
scart [[scared]], but following me around out 
of doors. as I answer him, when he talks 
to me. the cat bird is also very tame, +
lots of company. I have got over my cold fairly 
well. Pa has had the cramp pretty bad the 
last two nights a going. he has been spaiding 
up in the garden some night & morning 
getting it ready for planting some seed. 
One day he met Dr Shorer on Porter Street, 
she is working here for a few days, she 
says, + she enquired after you, he said. 
she might call some time on me, but guess 
not. The Lyms are not in town at present 
it seems. The Steels are living out here at the 
home place, since Bullock was retired. they are fixing 
up their front lawn & laying new granolithic walks 
it will improve its looks very much when its finished. 

well this is all I think of now. Ma.

Transcription Notes:
I think cramp is supposed to be croup (line 12), as this was talked about in other letters