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[[top margin]] I have found Elenor some dresses that Lena left here & now her shoes & then she is fixed so Sue said. [[/top margin]]

Stoughton May 18th 1929

Dear Doris,

A strong south wind is blowing today which may result in showers later on. we have both been hard at it, since we first got up this morning, & it seems good to rest up a bit. I am getting over my cold, but feel weak of course. every thing out of doors is coming along rapidly, in spite of the cold weather of the past week. I have not seen Sue or Alice since I were down there the first of the week. I was sorry to hear you mixed into the Crane bunch. but I suppose you know what every one else does; that Lottie is a mischief brewer, & has a big mouth. poor Maude has had to suffer at her mixing in to their family now, & others I could mention, but never mind. I dont think wild horses would ever pull she & Charlotte apart. my lettuce seed is coming up & the tomatoes are growing. I have got all of my boxes in the hot bed, with an out side window over them nights. even those plants you folks sent, are there doing fine, since they were set out, some of the chrysanthemums died down from the tops, butt started at the roots, I find in pulling them up.