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The room up stairs was warm beside of the chimney + they had a chance to start up again + make good so all but a few lived after all. I should think you could have a little railing put across at the side of the back plaza, so when you put the carriage out there, with the baby in it, there would be no danger of it ever going off there again. a piece of wire netting on some thing to keep it from rooling [sp] off it always seems to be a dangerous place. we dont want her little neck broken now, poor little thing hope to see her some time this summer. I dreamed of her this morning + thought she died not know me, but she will after I get her home here. Hope her three little dresses suits you, must have got them by Saturday. It seemed so pitiful to think that in both of those two nice houses Addies + Twans to see them growing feeble year after year + no children to fill in the vacancy, they will leave behind, it isnt nature. Addie has grown old looking in a years time, (worried about him.) he doesnt lift his feet in walking, goes seuffing [sp] along. his sister is with them, she seems bright + wide awake + very agreeable we think. ma