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Stoughton May 8th 1929

Dear Doris-

Our heat has been out for two or three weeks. but since the Monday night rain, it has grown cold to almost frost in places I believe. all the trees are in full bloom & it looks now as though we were to have an abundance of fruits of all kinds. I went down to see Susie & Alice Monday forenoon & by now you have received word from them in regard to Eleanor, they were very much in favor of such arrangements. as that was the one thing she wanted to take up as she is very fond of babies. I liked her as a little girl. the poor little thing was so terribly nagged by the whole family. but now they see her capable points, & Alice says, like so many girls her age, she does not care for the boys. I am afraid Elsie will be the one to object to the scheme, but Alice was going to write to her as she likes her but doesnt like Sue & so as Sue says if we cant bring