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it about, it may mean that it isnt to be. Pa has got pretty much over his cold and now I have got one very much like it. the first I have taken since you were here last fall. I can hardly do anything but tend to my nose & I am hoarse but if I dont have the croup to night I wont complain, I think I added to it by standing in the door way talking with Minnie Mills & Esther yesterday afternoon, they came to jaw Pa about Willie Mills lot up to the Cemetery, but he was not at home & so I sent her to talk with Ernest Southworth, perpetual care & nothing been done to fix up the lot, the same old complaint. Mame & Helen  were red hot about it coming home from the grave. I wish Pa would get out of it, as he gets enough jawings over his tax assessing for one man to stand up under. I hope the dresses will fit the little tyke Pa carried them down early this morning so you aught to get them this week, I can hardly see to write my eyes are so full of water, hope you don't have one this Spring I thought I was immuned. Ma

Transcription Notes:
fairly certain the word is "croup" in the sentence "but if I dont have the croup to night I wont complain". Web search states that "Croup refers to an infection of the upper airway, which obstructs breathing and causes a characteristic barking cough."