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Stoughton May 1st 1929

Dear Doris-

This has been a warm sunny day. Early Monday morning we received word from Henry Swan in Worcester, that Emma died Sunday night, she passed out very quietly & without suffering so we have just got home from the funeral. Tina Wayland took us up & back in her car. Jack was sick, but he had no desire to go even if he had been able. Henry was very glad to have us come, he bore up under the ordeal like a hero, & was mighty glad he had lived to take care of her to the last, but he said if they could only gone together poor man, he is in much better health than Richard we all thought. Mame & Helen Wales were there, & Richard & Addie were getting ready to take them back home, as we came away. I am glad the dresses were right. I thought I would make one or two more, the little hat may come in handy occasionally. We liked the pictures and Maude came Sunday while Pa & Ralph went to cemetery meeting & so she nearly went wild over them she wants one terribly & in room