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a man in an auto came along & asked their little Richard to ride, he was on his home way from school, but he had the sense to refuse. 'Do look out for little Bettie. this is a funny age of crime, we are living in, & the autos are responsible for it. so easy to get away with it. Pa is working on the road to day. he got a new cap to go with his new spring suit, & it was a little too large, so I took it in, & now it seems to fit his head better. he wanted to have his hair cut, & he thinks then his cap will be just right. Last night we were outside, it was too pleasant for sticking in the house. Jack was with us, & Pa said there guess I'll cut down that tree there by the bulk head. so the dog & I were watching him, & when it came down it must have hit Jack in the head, if he did'nt go through the yard krying then no matter. I guess it scart him for he did not show up again poor dog. he had been having such a good time with us. Pat & I felt sorry, but he has forgotten all about it this morning. Ma