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but Lottie blames it all onto poor Jimmy. 
his life there has been anything but pleasant. 
if the truth was known.

I was dreaming about the baby a greater 
part of the night. I have got two other dresses I 
have made for her, the ones I sent I made as long 
as the pattern, they can very easily be made shorter 
I may send this along the first of the week. I had a 
letter come yesterday from Georgia Briggs she says 
that Alice was going to Cleavland on a trip, I 
guess that town where they live, is too tame for 
her. Mrs Dykeman came hobbling up to see us 
Friday afternoon, not many people would have 
the courage to get around & do the work that 
she does in her condition, her courage is what 
does it. she has failed this winter since her 
sick spell, her boys are very good to her & also their 
wives too bad she had that shock. They think 
the Toomeys are coming all right. "old moses" 
we saw go down to church this morning, Mrs 
Elmes has got home a month earlier this spring 
I guess the hot weather down south sent her 
home the same as it did Frank L's family. 
Pa got a stick dropped in his back the morning 
of the holiday at the breakfast table. is better now
