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Stoughton April 18th 1929

Dear Doris-

A terrible cold storm has been 
pounding our New England coast the whole 
week, we are still having the rain but the 
gale has abated am in hopes it may clear 
up to day. Pa is looking forward to having it 
pleasant tomorrow, so that he can paper 
the store house roof. it has been no weather 
to work out of doors all the spring. I am 
afraid that when the spring does come, it 
will be too hot for any thing to stand. 
Our foliage has stopped growing since the 
storm, waiting for the hot sunshine to bring 
it forth. nothing but the forsythias were in 
bloom & the gail has spoilt those.

I have meant to go over to see Mrs Blake 
but havnt got there it has been so stormy. I may 
get over this afternoon if it clears up. did the 
little dresses fit the baby. she has changed in 
her looks a lot we think. her pictures are 
fine. so it is hard to choose which I think 
the best but she doesnt look twice alike in