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PS one pair of your stockins marked 9 1/2 another 9 and then 8 what do you wear? Ma.

Stoughton April 14th, 1929

Dear Doris-

We had a cold stormy week it has snowed a greater part of the time. it is lucky for us that our coal hangs out, for it means a constant fire, to warm up the house these chilly days. We woke up this morning to find the ground covered with a white coating of snow. but to day it seems a grain warmer and the sun shines out by spells, so on the whole I think it may be pleasant later on. Pa is washing up getting ready to change his clothes. I have just ironed two collars for him to wear later on. I have sent on two little dresses for Betty which you will get by Monday and hope they are all right. I made another yesterday out of that blue apron her Granma made for you. you can get the neck to fit and then fasten the ribbon, but the color is going to fade out by washing, but you can boil it out so make a white dress of it when it gets too bad. Ralph told your father yesterday about Mrs Blakes falling out of bed and said I