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Stoughton April 7th 1929

Dear Doris

This day is coming in fine seems warm even so early in the morning. my fire went out in the heater and its just as well. yesterday two fires in the house were not uncomfortable, for there was a snowy feeling temperature all day with the wind NW. Our things are coming along gradually but there are a few maples blossomed and the rose bushes have started & the clove bush some jonquils are out. the violets & snow drops & crocus. but thats [[that's]] about all so far. besides pussie [[pussy]] willows.

Dennis Toomey is sick again he has a trained nurse this time. after going to work he had a relapse so it may be some time before he gets this hitch very private as usual. Ira Burnhams wife, we heard was seriously ill, after settling the estate & giving "Jonney" the home place, he had a devilish row with her, & brought on this spell so they say, he always was a pimp. Pa has been better of his cold but went to Chapter meeting & as usual, had the cramp the rest of the night. I think its brought on through excitement nerves, say what you are a mind to. but he dont think it. you were mistaken when you said that I brought home