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the little dress pattern if you look in that basket you will find it. if I had taken it home I should have made her some dresses before this. it may be in the trunk. if you look around you can find it. Pa gets the news over the radio every night, he hears that Amos has got one for Ella, he may be able to hear it also we hope so. (an Attwater Kent.) Pa says tomorrow he is going to take down his lawn mower to get it fixed, and then it may be all right I hope so. I have not been any where this week it has been dull & cold most the whole week. Pete McGarveys wife goes to Episcaple  meeting she is a little thing and her name is Mary. Georges wife is an American she wants everything nice & up to date. Jack & Woods dog followed me down town the other day. The robins are pretty plenty. my suet attracks the wood peckers. there are different ones coming, some with red spots on head, some without, the long tailed ones, & others short tailed I did not know there were so many kinds. We had a postal card from Lena I guess time with her drags. we had not written for some time, Pa's cold was so bad it was all he could attend to for some time. he will be all right if he dont add to it today but you cant keep him still. he has come in now, all of a sweat from pitching in.
