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Stoughton March 24th 1929

Dear Doris

The day is damp & the wind North East I am starting this letter while Pa is down town after his paper We had a very warm day Friday & that night the frogs peeped for the first time this spring before long in  the afternoon the wind got into the NW & we have had miserable weather ever since I have been raking up our back yard for the last few days before the iris bed got started any more last season was so moist that it grew lots of grass & weeds & Pa if he ever gets any time off will have lots of spading up to do a great many fires have been started the past week from people burning leaves & such around their houses but I have not dared to set fire to mine realizing that it would not be safe  I have got dirt in boxes waiting  for seeds so to plant tomatoes it is time now but Pa says bake the dirt first so the weeds wont start growing I wrote a letter this last week to Georgia & Alice Gray as I had not heard from them for some time.