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she is probably stuffed to much. Elizabeths baby has had a bad cold Pa says she looked pretty peaked the other day when he went in with groceries. the men folks are making raisin wine over there, they get rid of lots of it and they are constantly making it they carry home ten pounds of sugar every few days Pa says. Anna Monk must be away we havnt seen her light all winter. lucky she has Rachies children to visit. I hope Sid gets his raise dont worry. I am sure you will live if he dont, but it will be mean after all these months to have it taken away now. Pa is'nt sure of gettin his job either but we shall know some time, no use worrying that does no good It seems good to think that spring is right around the corner I hope now, snow storms are about over, the little mocking bird singing in the little pine tree close to the house. I was telling Pa about it last night, & he says a regular cat bird, ours was so tame last summer, he used to follow all around when we were out in the yard, we fed him he was very tame. well I must now get my dinner. Ma.