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were none on the market he said he was not going 
to pay forty or fifty dollars for one, if he never had one 
as it was so cold he came home after buying a couple 
of shirts. We both feel that Lena acted very queer at 
the time of going away. and neither of us wish to pry 
into any of her affairs. she is with friend of her own choosing 
and we both hope she is doing as well as she can under 
the circumstances. Ira Burnham is still lingering, he has 
not come to, just a matter of hours the Dr. says. I hope you are 
getting rested & will escape the cold. lots of it in this town. 
Ewen has more than he can attend to. We had a paper 
like yours sent by Beals with his history of the Drake 
family very much Charles Beals style, it was also in the 
Sentinel. Talbot last week had his 61st birthday so the house 
keeper made him a cake full of fruit & frosted with 
61 candles stuck into the top, he brought over to Pa a hunk 
pleased as a twelve year old boy. well the sun is most out 
so I guess it is not going to snow today. Ma