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turkey made into patties, for supper last night, Pa went down to the chapter meeting last night & I am alone to night that is the reason of this letter written this evening instead of tomorrow. Did Madeline compose the verses on her Xmas card they sounded so pretty good. Mary Beals baby looked niggerish. I think your little one had lots of presents. Lena says not to lay her on her back every time as it is bad for the kidneys, funny about where she is, I suppose she made her plans to suite herself & certain ones were told of her condition, but we weren't the favored ones. Does the baby sleep in her carriage all by her lonesome out in the living room by the register or in the bedroom? Sidney may get used to her fussing in the morning. glad you have the new car as it is warmer do be careful go slow & sure glad your company come to supper. I went down to Morto his blood pressure is up to 190, he is not very well. I must get some cocoa for Pa to drink, when he comes home from the store 

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