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house since it was fixed up. she is pleased with the tenement & says it is easy to heat, & tells me to come anytime. I think perhaps that it will be a good chance some time when I go by to drop in there & see how it is since they have fixed it up. I had a nice letter from Georgie Briggs this week & she said Alice had put on several men to the track of that mover who took her goods. they sent her a telegram saying they had found her clothing & furniture it had been found stored in Boston. & they shipped them Thursday so they expect to receive them soon. Alice had been sick in bed two weeks with the flue, & it worried her so Georgie was glad to hear they found there two warrants are out for him. Your box got here Wednesday after I sent your last letter all in good shape. The building McGarvey has just put up wont shade us quite as much as that old barn, & is enough sight better looking or will be after he gets it painted, he gave us lots of old stuff to burn & even picked it up & threw it into our cellar. shingles & old pieces of boards. he is good to us & is as good a neighbor as we have got. they are allways just so. none of the rest ever come near us unless they want some thing. no neighbors have been to see me since I got home.  Ma