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[[top margin]] PS The shirt you gave Pa he was much pleased with more so than the white one I gave him mine was out of the ordinary & would get soiled under his dirty clothes he thought I said it was for best. [[/top margin]]


Dec 26th 1928

Dear Folks.
Very pleasant weather we are enjoying about this time, all the ground is white with frost. We were much disappointed to find that Lena could not be with us, we fear that she must be sick, for some one wrote for her that she was very much disappointed not to be with us on xmas, from Boston. but that we should hear more from her in a few days, as she has not written since she left us, we fear she must have been sick for some little time, all that we can do is to wait as she does not seem to be in Stoneham. so you see we are feeling pretty anxious Pa says if he does not hear from her in a day or so, he will call up the Pettengills where she lives and see if they can give any information about her. aside from that fact every thing passed off pretty well. Mort & Anna came up a little while in the evening he is not looking a bit well I think we faired pretty well for presents I liked the stockins & shoes those short shirts will be good to wear under my corsets as they are always sticking in to me, the steels, when I bend over.