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were surprised to see how much the baby had grown in the two months. Lena thought that picture was the best, so I would like to give her one also. she put in lots of work on that baby buntin, more then you can think and it is done so nice, like all of Lenas work. so when you have more printed I would like to give them one. Lottie would like one she thinks a good deal of the family & pities his mother more than she does Maude. We have been packing the box today & may start it by Tuesday, I cannot seem to think it so near Xmas I am not doing much this year as you will see, but I will make it up in work later on. McGarvey has got his double garage up and hiproofed so it hides our view but if it were not for the little pine tree, we could still see over to the old house. Pa has got the box all tied up since I have set down to write the letter and the bundles all in. some labeled & some not I was going to do them up more, but Pa wont listen to undoing it, so you will have to do them, as you find it, I was going to have them go in much better shape. but I guess they are all there. now I feel they are off my mind & now I will have my bed quilt & patch work for this winter to do. The snow came just in time to prevent folks from getting evergreen in the woods for Xmas. I was looking at my plants & find that I have got a holly tree coming up in one of my flower pots started from seeds that got scattered in at some time we think well Pa will write some now Ma