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to Lena already. I worry nights about you & think how tired you must get between the hours of four & five & try to think the baby is not as she should be, but drive it away out of site all you can. I hope to hear the little tyke is sleeping much better nights. how I would like to see her. hope she does not miss me too much. Does Sid sleep in the room next to you They kept my plants lookin well, the day is dark, it is only four o'clock & I can hardy see to finish the letter, I went down town yesterday in spite of the slipery going after my meat & got a nice piece of fresh pork for to day, you cant imagine how our square has changed in the few weeks I have been gone it almost seems like a city a great improvement. the community market where Nickols store was Lena thinks is a fine place to trade my bread I got there for nine cents a loaf graham at that fresh pork only twenty two cts a pound good quality at that. Pa is a hurry for me to finish. he has to see to the fire at the store. Ma