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Thursday PM.

Dear Folks

We have had our Dinner a [[?]] chicken that Lena found from the Drake Farm on the Bay Road "Mr Field" who married the Drake Girl it was nicely cooked and with all the fixings and now as it is some cloudy and a cool wind we are in here been reading the morning papers we had the same kind of weather as yours was Sunday, only our snow lasted a day or two on the ground. just enough to bother the first of the week The Barn is all down. and they are putting in foundations for a garage the same size of the main part of Old Barn but will be more away from the line so they can go around it. I have cut some of the small stuff on the lower end of the lot. just made a beggining something for Tuesday afternoon later I dont think that Frank Capen will clear the Lot this Winter as they have gone. So, till April so, we will still look to the Bushes for a while