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Dear Folks,
Mr. Holmes has written his letter, and taken his snippers in his hand and gone forth, despite the misty, moisty weather. He is at present operating on the grapevine. The rambler outside the bay window is rather generously supplied with new foliage, coaxed forth apparently, by the warm weather of the past few days. Yesterday and the day before I had the doors open back and front nearly all the time. As the windows were on, I couldn't ventilate by their means except upstairs. I did enjoy the warmth, sunshine, and air, but there was a sequel - a horde of flies, and a one mosquito - to my action. To-day I have been batting furiously and have laid low about 18 or 20 whose carcasses I have disposed of. How many I slew that I did not recover the remains of I don't know.
I am glad that Sidney's ordeal is through with, now perhaps you will quiet down, Doris, and the baby also as a consequence.

I found some jelly - a heavy slice - done up in some paper in the china closet. Mr. Holmes & I have debated its origin. He thinks it may be some [[?]] which Doris procured, I, that it may be some of the boiled cider, which Lula sent me, and which I brought out for you to try. Do you know, or remember, which, if either, is the case?
A group of boys were playing in the Blake yard the other afternoon when I went down by. There some pretty white sash curtains at the kitchen windows, so I guess the folks have moved in. The poor pieces, chairs, etc. look rather desolate on the piazza. I guess that is enough - All good wishes- Lena