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[7 Nov 1928]


Dear Folks

Well I must tell you the news for Stoughten we carried the Town for Hoover by 264. Allen by 229 and Stone for the [[?]] 298. But Walsh got 178 more than Young for the Senate for Washington Sunday [[?]] was 509 ahead. that is all as far as Sto. goes we are doing fine only we had a hard wind last night. I had to get up and take blinds off my window but it is not cold today. I have only 5 of that pile of logs. But what are worked up those I guess will beat me out. but shall have all winter to get at them. I hear that Giles is to have the lower tenement in the house and Mrs Blake has in her mind to live up stairs that is all I hear so far this week Giles missed Sat of his week don't say anything from me. No heater going, as yet we are living like the Rings. and read in the kitchen Evenings