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[[image]] FIVE CENTS (Geo. Washington) INTER. REVUNUE CERTIFICATE stamp [[/image]]

Artical of Agreement made and entered into between W.T. Shell of the first part and the undersigned Freedmen of the second part
1st I W.T. Shell promised to furnish Rations and pay them one-fourth of a hands share of the crop made by them the present year. 
2nd  We of the second part, the undersigned Freedmen promise to faithfully perform labor for W.T. Shell of the first part doing all necessary work on the plantation from this date until the 1st day of Jan 1867-
Dated 1st day of Jan 1866 W T Shell
Witness Martha E. Cooper x  J.S. Pinkston
Henry his x mark Cooper age 30 yrs
Manirva her x mark Cooper age 20 yrs
Prince his x mark West age 50 yrs
Julia her x mark Wood age 33 yrs

LP Woodworth
Lieut and Sub Com
Yazoo City Miss Jany 6/66

Transcription Notes:
Found W.T. Shell on the 1870 US Census - Yazoo Co.