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of all parties interested all new tools or farming utensils [[illegible]] furnished by the part of the first part and paid for by the party of the second part- shall be the property of the party of the second part. In witness where of the we have here unto set our hand and seal the day and year first I have written sealed and delivered. 

Henry Cato Seal
David McCree Seal
Enoch his + mark Barnes 
Stephen his + mark Allen 
Dorcus her + mark Allen 
Jenna her + mark Thompson
Oma her + mark Thompson
Eley her x mark Barne

In presence of
George Peets
Arch. Smith

[[left margin]]
Thomas Cato
January 1. 1866.

[[image]] U.S. FIVE CENTS INTERN. REV. CERTIFICATE stamp (George Washington) [[/image]]


Transcription Notes:
George Peets is on the same page of the 1850 Slave Schedule as McRee. Henry Cato is a few pages away on the 1850 Schedule. There is no Calo family in Copiah that I found on Censuses. **Jenna on a previous image.