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for the actual repairs of the place under pain of being fined for it, which fine to be levied at the direction of the  parts of the first part and collected and of the portion of the crop belonging to the party of released part at the end of the year 1866.

And it is further agreed by the party of the second part, that their portion of the crop shall remain under the entire control of the part of the first part, uphill all their indebted up to him shall be fully and appropriately paid. In testimony where of the paid parties have a fixed their names to this agreement at Belmonte Panola Coty State of Miss on the day and date above mentioned. 
J G Ballantine  {Seal}
Dennis Laird x his mark  {Seal}
Betsy Laird x her mark  {Seal}
Jeff Laird x his mark  {Seal}
Cathrine x Laird her mark  {Seal}
Charity x Laird her mark  {Seal}

E W Beanland
L G Taylor

Transcription Notes:
Reopened and edited names and a few other things.