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Articles of Agreement between W. B. & J. H Pollard of the first part and Jessie Hartsfield and his wife Mary of the second part. For the purposes hereinafter stated for purpose of conducting this farming business in the County of Panola State of Miss- The parties to this agreement & contract as follows, W. B. & J. H. Pollard agrees to furnish harness and team to wit. one mule or horse and land for them; all nessary plows and horses; Also the rations of meat and bread at what it is selling at through the county; with fifty percent added on for advanceing the same to the parties of second part. And [[illegible]]
part to the extent of our power from all unlawful interfereance with their rights; which they remane on the place and at their proper homes. The parties of the second part agree to bind themselves to comply with the following. 1st They are to take good care of all mules or horses curry and rub them well at least twice per day; and that they will not beat or maltreat them or permit it done; also to keep them in good dry stables or stalls; and will not ride them off the farm or allow it done by anyone without the permission of the parties of the first part; and further that they will not kill or abuse or permit it done