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any of W.B. Pollard & J H Pollard's horses cows mules hogs sheep oxen; or any of the neighbors. If they violate any of the above named stipulations; they bind themselves and having to pay W.B. & J.H. Pollard two fold damages and find for all tools broken or lost also to pay one half of the blacksmiths Act-- They are to furnish all horse or mule collars and leading lines they may need.  They bind themselves to work faithfully through the whole year 1866 preposing in landing cultivating and gathering the crop, that they will not lose more than one hour for dinner in Spring & fall and two in summer, That they will commence work by sunrise and continue until after Sunset. They agree to pay W.B. & J.H. Pollard for one half of the cotton seed need by them & one half of the seed corn at the above percent. They agree to reset all of the farming that encloses the field on land allotted to them; handrails and static & rider it if nessary [necessary] to make it a good fence, Agree also to clean off all brushes from the ditches and open the ditches and sleep open all the year; so they will drain the land & keep it from impeding the crop, and clean out all brushes & briars from the fence corners, both in and outside around the land they have in cultivations, And themselves not to burn or destroy rails or boards or any thing that will be injurious to the