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State of Mississippi Panola County The following is an agreement between MJ Vaiden of the first part and Washington Roberson, Ned Scroggins wife Martha Ellen Irby, Davy Vaiden Maria Butler
Freedmen of the county of Panola, and State of Mississippi Witnesseth, whereas the aforesaid party of the first part has this day, 1st day of January A.D. 1866, agreed with the party of the second part to live with him, the present year, and cultivate his lands - which are not embraced in the field, which said party of the first part, has already leased and rented to Jack Lumpkin, lying and being in Section 12 twelve, Township 9 nine, and Range (8) eight - embracing all the open land in said section except the garden spots and vegetable patches about the premises of said Vaiden - Including as much of the new ground field, as is supposed to be about forty acres - excepting that which which said Vaiden may parcel out and rent to other persons. It being understood that all the Levy-field and new ground so excepted, is to be cultivated by the labor of the aforesaid Freedmen To wit — Wash Roberson Ned Scroggins wife Martha Ellen Irby
Dary Vaiden, and Maria Butler who are to share a part of the crops so cultivated by them according to the usual estimate of working hands - for instance those are counted hands, who do the work of hands — they who plow their rows - hoe their rows and pick their rows with others are counted hands — and by these rules, hands are to be known and to be paid — and by these rules and reports, made of their work from the evidence of those working with them — their wages or pay is to be settled and determined as the only fair way of settlement. If is then understood by their work and attention to their business the rules of determining hands is to be decided.

Transcription Notes:
This article was a bit challenging to read.