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Articles of agreement made and entered into this the 4th day of January 1866 between E.B. Stainback of the first part and Peter Stainback Amanda his wife, Sandy Phillips, Milly his wife George Suber Kate his wife; Jimmie Mary Fanny Liz, Sally Betsy & Lina freedmen of the second part

Witnesseth that the said party of the first part agrees to and with the said parties of the second part to furnish them with land free of rent team to work the same and provisions for each, and to give them one half of the cotton crop that may be grown

And the said parties of the second part agrees to work with and for the said party of the first part during the present year and to be at all times governed by the party of the first part to do any and all kinds of work that he may require

And it is further agreed between the parties that the said parties of the second part are to pay the said party of the first part for all provisions that he may furnish them out of their part of the crop.

Given under our hands and seals the day and date above written
E. B. Stainback  Seal