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An agreement & Contract
made by F.M. Vaughan & J.H. Prince, parties of the first part, and the within named Freedmen and Freedwomen, parties of the second part. 

Whereas the said Vaughan & Prince have agreed to furnish land & mules free of charge sufficient to work twenty five or thirty [[illegible]] also agree to give them one third (1/3) of all the cotton, corn & potatoes raised on said plantation, after paying all expenses [[illegible] to keeping up the same.

The said Vaughan & prince agree & bind themselves to furnish each laborer three & one half (3 1/2) pounds of bacon & one peck of meal per week, also to furnish their dependents such quantities of provisions as their parents may desire, said provision to be paid for out of parents portion of crop.  It is further agreed by & between the said parties that the said Freedmen & Freedwomen of the second part are to furnish their own clothing & pay their medical bill.  It is further agreed if the parties of the first part shall fail, neglect or refuse to fulfill any obligations assumed by them or shall furnish said parties with insufficient food or be guilty of cruelty to them they shall besides the legal recourse left to the party or parties aggrieved render this contract liable to annullment by the proper officer of Freedman's Bureau. And it is agreed on the part of the parties of the second 

S D Barnes
Lt & Sub Comr Fred Bu

Transcription Notes:
S D Barnes confirmed by internet search.