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part, that they will well and faithfully perform such labor as the parties of the first part may require of them for the year 1866.
It is further agreed that the rules hereto attached be made a part of this contract.

F. M. Vaughan
J H Prince Jr

Jorrdan his x mark Streamer
George his x mark Streamer
Charly his x mark Russell
Edmond his x mark Farly
Mat his x mark Vaughan
Peter his x mark James
Lucinda her x mark James
Gaston  his x mark Witherspoon
Angie her x mark Witherspoon
Maurice his x mark Witherspoon
Edmond his x mark [[Leon?]]
Hart her x mark Russell
Thos his x mark [[Milford?]]
Nate x mark Chisom
Martha x mark Chisom
Jinie x mark Chisom
Phillis x mark Chisom
Charly his x mark Adams
Lige his x mark Russell
Hende x Witherspoon

The undersigned Freedmen & Freedwomen desire & have agreed to take stipulatin wages in lieu of their portion of crop.

Milton his x mark Crump $125.00
Ben his x mark Collier $125.00
Dewitt his x mark Blewett $150.00
Roderick x mark Humphries
Joan her x mark Russell $100.00
Francis his x mark Porter $125.00

Wm H. Hargrove
Robt East

January 1st 1866

Transcription Notes:
Found Jordan Streamer in Lowndes Co., MS, on 1870 Census. I believe the word the writer was think of was stipulation. Found DeWitt Blewitt in Lowndes Co., MS - 1870.