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State of Miss
County of Lowndes

This agreement made & entered into this 28th day of December 1865 between J.V. Harris employer of the first part the undersigned Freedmen, colored laborers, of the second part, all of the State of Miss & County of Lowndes witnesseth -- that the said laborers individually agree for themselves & those of their families of sufficient age & ability to do work to labor on the plantation of said J. V. Harris during the year 1866 will faithfully to perform any & all labor that may be required of them by the employer or manager for the time aforesaid -- Abstaining from waste injury & exercising care & diligence in all things on said plantation -- They are to conduct themselves with respect & obedience towards the employer or manager, abstain from the use of profane language & observe order & discipline on the plantation-- All abuse & improper use of stock & negligently breaking or losing tools, gear or plantation impliments will be charged against the laborer -- Every laborer must feed, attend to stock, & do other necessary work assigned to him or her at all times, sunday included, -- No fire arms or liquor will be used on the plantation by the laborers except by consent of the employer or manager -- The beginning & having off work will will be entirely under the controll of the employer or manager & for all time lost from sickness or other cause & for bad work deductions from the share of such laborer in the crop 

S.D. Barnes
Lt & SubCommr Freed. Bu.

Transcription Notes:
S.D. Barnes - confirmed by internet search.