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This Agreement made this 4 day of January 1866, in duplicate, between Geo W. Shackelford of the first part and Nelson Deloach his two daughters Jane & Mary freedmen of the second part, all of the County of Holmes and State of Mississippi, Witnesseth, that the part of the second part are to work for the part of the first part for the space of 12 months, beginning on the 1 day of January 1866, and ending on the 1 day of January 1867. The said G. W. Shackelford is to give said Nelson Deloach one half of the crop that the said Nelson makes and said Shackelford is to give to said Jane & Mary two bales of cotton each and the above named freedmen to work under the direction of the said Shackelford and to obey him in all things on party of the first parts place-- Jane and Mary to loose no time they do not account for.
[[strikethrough]] and the part of the first part the part of the second part and furnish the part of the second part with [[/strikethrough]]

And said Shackelford to furnish Jane & Mary (freedwomen) with plenty of wholesome foods the usual quality and quantity.

G W Shackelford (Seal)
Nelson his x mark Deloach (Seal)
Mary her x mark Deloach (Seal)
Jane her x mark Deloach (Seal)

Attested and read to above
named part of second
part by [[strikethrough]]disinterested
white persons of said county.[[/strikethrough]]
W Wilson (Seal
By M T Minor

Transcription Notes:
Use [[strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]]