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is to keep a correct accounting of it & the said  freedmen, so knowing, are to pay back their employer or his agent such amount borrowed out of the proceeds of their share of the crop, raised during year 1866 - with 8 per cent interest - the crop of cotton raised is to be gathered, ginned, & packed, & all over (45) forty five bales of 500 pds weight each, is to be divided among said laborers according to the grade or merits of each hand - the said Warfield their employer, to be the judge in distributing such cotton among said laborers - the division to be made in proportion to amount of work actually done by each hand on said crops of cotton, & the same rule to be applied in the division of all corn, exceeding 1/4 of a crib, among said laborers - all lost time, by sickness or otherwise, will be recorded against each hand by their employer & a written statement of such lost time furnished said hand every month by their employer, as that, at the end of the year, there may be no difficulty in apportioning the crops, above said amounts, among said hands - and if such crops cannot be so                               

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