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[[3 columned table]]
| Names of 2nd part | Age | Wages per [[strikethrough]] month [[/strikethrough]] year |
| David x Brown | 18 | $120, per year |
| Mat x Johnson | 15 | $72, per year |
| Ben x Johnson | 16 | $96, per year |
| Phil x Woolfork | 40 | $200, for self |
| Katy x Downing | 17 | & wife Katy Downing |
| [[strikethrough]] Mary Ann Meek| 24 | Victuals & clothes [[/strikethrough]] |
| [[strikethrough]] David x Brown [[/strikethrough]] | 17 | $120, per year |
| Chaney x Nichols | 17 | $6 per month & two suits of clothes |
| Milly x Nichols | 15 | $6, per month & two suits of clothes- |
| Josh x Nichols | 13- | 3 suits of clothes, one pr shoes & hat |
| Mattie x Ryan | 15 | $72, per year |
| Mary x Branch |  | $50 per year to furnish her own clothes & doctors Bills | 

The State of Mississippi }
Madison County }
I John Dawson, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Madison County Mississippi do hereby certify that the above named parties signed the foregoing agreement in my presence & that after the same had been carefully read to them by me, they severally obligated themselves to be bound by the covenants thereof

Given under my hand and the seal of said court this 6th day of January 1866
Jno Dawson Clk