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under this contract liable to annulment by the proper officer.

And it is agreed on the part of the parties of the second part that they will each well and faithfully perform such labor as the said W. C. Simmons may require of them, for the time aforesaid, and if any laborer shall voluntarily, absent him or her self from, or shall refuse to perform the labor here in promised, and the fact shall be proven to the satisfaction of the proper offices, the party so offending, shall be punished in the manner provided by law and order

And it is further agreed, that any wages or part of crops that may be due the said laborers shall constitute a first lien on all crops or part of crops that may be produced by their labor

In witness whereof the parties have affixed their names to this agreement, on the day and date aforesaid.

W C Simmons
John his X mark Chandler
Shade his X mark Stewart
Jacob his X mark Simmons
Nelly her X mark Simmons

In the presence 
Jas L Simmons 
Nathl. Hobbs 

Transcription Notes: