Viewing page 165 of 309

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[[page cut in half]]
This agreement made this 4th day
of the county of Yallobusha of the S
of the county of Yallobusha and 
Witnesseth that E P Williams the  
of the promises of the second part 
and agree to and with the Party of 
deducting one-fourth of the Co
divide the remainder in two 
the second part. The said Wills 
to the Farm. He is to furnish the  
at Cost. Signed and delivered 
Witnesseth that the second part in  
the first part mentioned above 
part untill the first of January 1867
expenses. They are to be governed 
of the first Part. In witness where 
and seals. Sealed and delivered 
Philip Majet his X mark 
Cyntha Majet her X mark
Susa Majet her X mark
Signed Sealed and delivered
an acting justice of the Peace 
State of Mississippi  

Transcription Notes:
[...]not anywhere in instructions, use [[?]] if word not known, read instructions