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State of MS
Yellowbusha County
this agreement made and entered in to this this the first day Jany 1866 between A. B. Jackson of the first part and John Lathern of freedman of the Second part A B Jackson of this first part paying John Lathern of the second part one hundred and thirty dollars from Jany first 1866 to Jany first 1867 also furnishing one suit of clothing and provisions of sufficient quantity for the purpose of cultivating the farm known as the Ely Place now belonging to the Estate of Wm Berry he is to perform all labor may be ordered by the party of the first part and party of the second part promises to have himself decently becoming while bout the house and farm and not leave without permission from the party of the first part

G M Berry
T. H. Wilson

A. B. Jackson
John his X mark Lathern

Transcription Notes:
Edited: Wm is for William