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orders of said King his wife or Agent, not only in the kitchen but about the house, garden and general business and interest of said King or his family usual and common as a slave heretofore to do both in doors and out doors and to do the ordinary household offices of daily necessity or other work of necessity or charity on Sundays or hollidays, to loose all time lost by sickness or otherwise to be kept and deducted by said King prorata from the pay of the labor and to account of said King and no charge be made for board and dressing the time of such sickness only the sickness events from vice or bad practices To be well behaved in language and conduct towards said King, his family and agent 
In testimony whereof the said parties have hereto set their hands in duplicate with the required stamp this 25 day of December 1865  

Tucker King his x mark
Bettie King her x mark
Livingston P King

H Vaughan jr
C H Darnel

Transcription Notes:
TUCKER KING - also seen on last two pages, and Bettie.