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to work and labor faithfully and will for the said Johnston for and during the entire year 1866. and during that time they obligate themselves to execute promptly and to the best of their ability all orders & directions given them or either of them by said Johnston or his agent - and to be obedient - polite & respectful to said Johnston his agent or family at all times

It is further understood and agreed that said Johnston reserves the right to turn off or discharge either of the above freedmen or women if they fail to work and labor as above stipulated

It is further agreed that George and Mollie being minors that the money due them to be paid to Moses Lewis their Father   In witness whereof the said parties hereto sign their names this 10th day of January 1866.
W.B. Johnston
Seth x his mark Johnston  Sam x his mark Johnston
Moses x his mark Lewis  Betsy x her mark Clark
Rose x her mark Johnston  Amanda x her mark Clark

Signed and delivered in 
presence of
Henry G. Johnston
A M Mobley

Transcription Notes:
No indentations needed. Use "&", not "+".