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[[image]] FIVE CENTS INTER.REVENUE. EXPRESS stamp -Geo. Washington [[/image]]

Articles of Agreement made and concluded this 6 day of January 1866 by and between S A Hammel of the first part and Robert Walace freedman of the second part, whereby it is agreed and covenanted as follows:

For and in consideration of the payments hereinafter agreed to be paid, the said Walace freedman agrees and binds himself to work as a plantation laborer from 1st January 1866, to 1st January 1867, on the plantation of the said Hammel in Yazoo County Mississippi. He agrees and binds himself to render to said party of the first part, during the period of one year, as before stated, respectful, obedient and faithful labor; to work [[strikethrough]] 10 hours each day in summer and 9 hours in winter, [[/strikethrough]] from daylight to dark under such plantation regulations as the party of the first part shall make, not inconsistent with the provisions of this contract or the rules and regulations of the freedman's bureau. 

In consideration of the faithful performance of his contract by the said Walace freedman, party of the second part, the said Hammel party of the first part offers and binds himself to pay to said Walace freedman at the rate of $15 per month, with rations of 4 pounds of meat, 1 peck of meal, 1 pint of molasses and cloth for two suits of cloths __ pounds of salt per week. One [[strikethrough]] of said wages to be paid quarterly on 1st of April, 1st of July, 1st of October 1866, and the remainder on or before the [[/strikethrough]] at the End of year 1st of January 1867. The said Hammel party of the first part, agrees to furnish and the said Walace party of the second part free of charge, during his continuance to labor, good and sufficient quarters and fuel. He also agrees to keep constantly on hand meat, meal, molasses and salt, which he binds himself to furnish to said Walace freedman, in such quantities as he may need for his own use, at a price not exceeding the cost to the party of the first part.

[[strikethrough]] There shall be no labor required of said freedman from 12 M Saturday until Monday [[/strikethrough]] morning, except the care of stock and other necessary labor. 

It is further agreed, that in case the party of the first part shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any of the obligations assumed to said Walace freedman, or shall be guilty of cruelty to him, this contract shall be considered liable to annulment in addition to legal remedies left to said freedman. And in case the said Walace freedman shall voluntarily absent himself from or shall neglect or refuse to perform the labor herein contracted for, the said Hammel party of the first part shall have the right to discharge the said Walace freedman party of the second part and the Entire wages due the said party of the second part shall be forfeited to said party of the first part as damages for non-performance of contract on part of said party of the second part.

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its peck of meal not peek, peck is a measure, [[image]] - per instructions in "Mississippi Freedmen's Bureau Records Style Sheet" - link on General Instructions page.