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crop, and when said Freedmen shall be so required to labor on the afternoons of Saturdays as above stated, the said A.B. C. agrees either to pay said Freedmen for such extra labor, or to allow said Freedmen an equal amount of time for his own use, out of laboring days when the situation and condition of crop and plantation will permit.

It is further agreed that in case the said Freedmen, shall absent [[strikethrough]] himself [[/strikethrough]] themselves without permission, or shall neglect or refuse to labor, as above stipulated, the said A.B. C. or his Agent, reserves the right to discharge said Freedmen, from his employ, and the said Freedmen shall forfeit all wages due [[strikethrough]] him [[/strikethrough]] them, by virtue hereof, at time of [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] their discharge.

It is further understood and agreed that the said A.B.C. is to furnish all necessary medicines and attention when sick to said Freedmen, but is not to be responsible for the doctor's bills of said, Freedmen. It is further agreed that said Freedmen, [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] are to suffer a PRO-RATA deduction from [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] their wages for all time lost by [[strikethrough]] him [[/strikethrough]] them through negligence, indolence or other disability, or disinclination to labor, and during such disability or disinclination the said Freedmen [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] are to be at [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] their own expense and charged in every respect.

It is further understood and agreed that the said Freedmen, shall not keep or have any stock or personal property of any kind [[strikethrough]] -including dogs- [[/strikethrough]] save poultry, on said plantation, nor will any public meetings or gatherings on said plantation be permitted without the consent of said A.B. C. or his Agent.
A.B. Clarke
Sindo his x mark
Kenney his x mark Coats
Ben his x mark Coats
Mary her x mark Coats
Frank his x mark

L.P. Woodworth
Lieut and Sub Com
Yazoo City Miss Jany. 13/66

In witness whereof the said parties hereto sign their name and affix their seals on the day and year first aforesaid.