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proposes to do for us in Arkansas the ensuing year.

Very truly Yours,
W M Colby
Supt Fr Schools Ark.

Office of Gen'l Supt of Schools
Little Rock Ark Sep. 19, 1866.

Andrew Hickenlooper, Sen.
Cincinnati, Ohio.

Dear Sir:

Your favor of the 27th August has been referred by the Asst. Com. to this Office - I would say in reply to your enquiries that the Bureau can not pay wages of Freedmen teachers, there being no fund for that purpose; but the Freedmen themselves are in most cases both able and willing to pay a fair compensation to teachers.  Tuition varies from Seventy-five cents (.75) to one dollar fifty-cents per month each Scholar.

The enclosed circular (no. 23) shows substantially the relation the teacher sustains to the Bureau.  Some additional privileges have since been granted to teachers.  Shall be glad if you can find it for your interest to labor here.

Truly Yours,
W M Colby
Gen'l Supt of Schs for Ark.


Office of Gen'l Supt of Schools
Little Rock Ark. Oct. 2nd 1866.


The mess houses occupied by the Q. M. Employees, and the premises including the privies in the rear, continue in a very filthy condition.  The grounds it seems to me should be very thoroughly policed and disinfected or serious results will follow.  The adjoining buildings are occupied as a Teacher's Home and an Orphan Asylum which must be my apology, if one is necessary, for calling attention to the matter.

I have the honor to be,
Very Respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
W M Colby
Gen'l Sup't of Fr. Schools, Ark.

Henry Page
Col & AQM