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Office of Genl Supt of Schools
Little Rock, Ark. Oct 10, 1866.

Miss C. A. Henderson
Fayetteville, Ark.

Under the head of "Remarks" in your Report for July you ask, "Would it be possible for your department to grant any material aid?"

I regret that I must answer in the negative. You will see by Circular 23 (enclosed) to what Teachers, qualified as therein provided, are entitled. Under the new law some additional privileges are granted to teachers who have the recognition of the School Superintendent. I shall be pleased to grant you a certificate upon presentation of proper testimonials, and could then ask for a small appropriation to pay rent of school building if necessary.

I trust you will be able to continue your School, for it is a good if not a profitable work. I trust the largest Success may attend you and all our teachers. 

Be pleased to communicate to and ask from this office any information you may desire.

Very Respectfully Yours,
W M Colby
Supt Fr. Schools, Ark. 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: removed [[blank page]] not required, wasn't blank there is a page number there, changes and corrections