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Office of Supt of Schs. Ark.
Little Rock, Ark. Oct. 12, 1866.

Rev. J. R. Shipherd
Sec'y Am.M.A.
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Sir:
I fully agree with yourself in regarding Miss Jenney as good enough and zealous enough to be useful here and I herewith enclose a certificate that will entitle her to all the privileges [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] granted to teachers by the recent Freedmen's Bureau Bill.
Very Respectfully Yours,
W M Colby
Supt of Schools, Ark.

Office of Gen'l Sup't Fr. Schs
Little Rock, Ark., Oct 15" 1866.

Lt. J. S. Taylor V.R.C.
Supt R.F & A.L,
Hamburg, Ark.,

I have the honor to State that a copy of your com. of Oct. 1st 1866. requesting that a teacher for freedmen be sent to Hamburg, has been forwarded to the Secretary of the Am. Miss. Association.
An agent of the Association is daily expected here to labor in behalf of Schools.
Very Respectfully Yours,
W M Colby
Supt. of Fr. Schools for Ark. –


Office of Gen'l Supt. of Schools
Little Rock. Ark., Oct 15, 1866.

Calvin Clark,
Supt. Fr. Schools.
Helena, Ark.

Dear Sir:
I have to State that no report of Schools in your district has been received since July, 1866. It is highly important that this office be informed of all matters pertaining to the educational interests of the freedmen at least once in each month.
You will make the monthly Statistical School Report through the Superintendent of Freemen at Helena, and communicate otherwise as often as the interests of the Schools Seem to require.
Very Respectfully Yours.
W. M. Colby
F. 42  Genl Supt Fr School, Ark.

Transcription Notes:
Edited: changes and corrections