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specific Sum or a certain per ct. of each months wages Should be retained for that object by the employer.

I feel sure that if the Superintendents of freedmen would look after the interests of the Schools  with the assiduity their importance demands, there might easily be twenty-five Schools established in the counties of Pulaski and Jefferson [[strikethrough]] counties [[/strikethrough]] by the first of January next.
Respectfully Yours,
W. M. Colby


Office of Gen'l Supt of Fr Schools
Little Rock Ark., Oct. 16, 1866.

Prof. AB Foster
Pres. Lincoln destitute,
Jefferson City Mo.,

Your communication of the 30th Sept. has been forwarded to this office "with the recommendation that a correspondence be opened with Mr. Foster." I very gladly act upon the Suggestion of the Asst. Commissioner - Missouri, being in the union is not I believe allowed a Bureau Superrntendent of Education; and my efforts, made at Suggestion of General Sprague, to secure Some facts in regard t the freedman's Schools in that State have thus for been unsuccessful. If you can aid in this matter you will a do good Service to the Bureau and will in addition place me under personal obligation. 
At present should be glad to learn the following facts:
1. The no. and location of Schools. 
2. No. of pupils enrolled.
3. No. of teachers and how Sustained.
If it it is practicable to have reports filled up and forward promptly at the end of the month,  blanks (sent from Washington) will be furnished for the purpose.. Wishing you much Success I am.
Very Respectfully Yours, 
 W M Colby, 
Gen'l Supt Fr. Schools for Ark.