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Office Gen'l Supt Sch's for Ark Little Rock, Ark. Oct 17. 1866

[[left margin]] 172 [[/left margin]] Lieutenant:
[[underscore]]Rev. J. R. Shipherd Secy[[/underscore]] of the Am Miss. Assn writes from Chicago Oct. 9 that he has two or three teachers ready for Pine Bluff. These teachers will be recognized by the Bureau. There are at foremost no authorized teachers there. 
[[underscore]]Capt Mallory [[/underscore]] has been written to by Mr. S. in respect to school accommodations, and I feel assured I can bespeak your cooperation in the matter. It is my desire that these teachers be put in possession of the building heretofore occupied by Mr. Byers if the same is in charge of Capt Mallory or the Bureau.

Very Respectfully
F. 43 Your Obedient Servant
W M Colby
Gen'l Supt of Schools for Ark.

Lieut S. [[Guisecter?]]
Supt. R.F. & A.L.
Pine Bluff, Ark.


Office Gen'l Supt Fr. Sch's for Ark.
Little Rock. Ark. Oct. 17, 1866.

Wm. C Child,
Secy Am Tr [[Tract?]] Society,
Boston Mass.

Dear Sir:
This box of books from the Tract Society which you notify one, under date of Sep 6', had been forwarded me for the use of freedmen has not come to hand. 

They will soon be needed for the fall schools.

If the box was taken in charge by the Q.M. department at Boston would it not be well to send bill of lading?

W M Colby
Gen'l Supt Fr Schools, Ark.

Transcription Notes:
QM is for quarter master Tr is for Tract?