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Office of Gen'l Supt of Schs Ark. 
Little Rock Ark. Oct 29th 1866

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J W Alvord
Inspector of Schools &c.
Washington D.C.

Dear Sir: Previous to receiving your communication of of Oct. 13, I I had, in compliance with instructions from the Asst. Com. made up and forwarded on the 20th October a report covering the matter called for. I trust it may not be unsatisfactory.

It is impossible to make my Report for October at this time, or at any time previous to the 18th November for want of data.

I beg to remind the Commissioner that our mails are exceedingly irregular; while some of our teachers seem to study how not to do it in the matter of making their reports.

Reports for November will be made on the new blanks which are now being sent out. 

Teachers are arriving from the North. Though late in commencing the fall operations we shall have more and better schools than last year. 

Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant, 
W M Colby
Gen'l Supt Schools for Ark

F. 41


Office Gen'l Supt Schools
Little Rock Ark. Nov. 2, 1866
Rev. J R Shipherd
Sec A M A
Chicago Ill. 

Dear Sir:
I write the Supt at Pine Bluff bespeaking for your teachers such aid as the Bureau can give, and have a very favorable reply.

In one month Gen. Ord the present Asst. Com. expects to move Hd Qrs to Ft. Smith, making that a Still more desirable point for missionary operations.

The "Friends" have arrived here and the place is now fully occupied.

Applications for men teachers are frequent - wish your Agt was on the ground.

Very Respectfully &c, 
W M Colby
Supt &c

F. 44

Transcription Notes:
Edited: Removed [[?]] not needed