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Office Gen. Supt. Fr. Schools, for Ark.
Little Rock Ark., Nov. 8, 1866.

J. O. Syman,
Pine Bluff Ark.

Dear Sir:
Your favor of the 2nd inst. is just at hand. I shall recognize the teachers of the AMA at Pine Bluff and none others at present unless I find the Assn fails to Supply the demand. Maj. Wm J. Dawes the Supt there will render you all the assistance in his power. 
While you seek his advice and assistance do not wait for anyone, but enter at once upon your work. Your Success will depend almost entirely upon yourselves. The colored people have two churches there I believe which they would doubtless be glad to have you occupy.
You would do well to visit the Sab. Schools and the families of the colored people - make yourself acquainted at once with the people, and learn their character and needs..
I am ignorant of the instructions you may have received from Mr. Shipherd; if not contrary to your orders I would recommend that you charge one dollar per mo. tuition, excluding none who are really unable to pay. Owing to a Scarcity of 


labor just at present, your numbers may at first be small, but before January you ought to have a large Self-Supporting School. If other parties there manage to throw a large portion of non-paying Scholars upon you or otherwise act dishonorably lay the facts in a proper manner before the Supt., and at all times communicate freely with this office.
Wishing you the largest Success,
I am very Respectfully yours,
W M Colby
F. 50  Gen. Supt. Fr. Schs Ark.

Transcription Notes:
there are page numbers here to be transcribed, per SI ignore indents, changes and corrections